

大自然的手抄报 |





















  It is a cold winter morning and the Wind is blowing strongly.

  Wind: Blow away! Blow away! Ha, ha, ha! Look at those trees! They are shaking.

  The Wind blows stronger.

  Wind: Blow away! Blow away! Look at those houses! They are also shaking. I am the strongest in the world.

  The Wind blows and blows. The weather becomes colder and colder.

  Wind: I can shake trees and houses. I can even blow them away. I am the strongest in the world.

  The Sun comes along.

  Sun: Hello there, Mr. Wind. It is very cold and windy today, isn’t it?

  Wind: Yes. I did it.

  Sun: Really?You must be strong.

  Wind: Yes. I am the strongest in the world.

  Sun: You may be strong, but I am stronger.

  Wind: Ha, ha, ha. You must be joking.

  Sun: No, I am not. I am the strongest.

  Wind: Well, then show me. What can you do? Can you blow away a tree?

  The Wind blows away a tree.

  Wind: See!

  Sun: Wow! That’s great! I can’t do that. But I can melt snow. And I can help flowers grow. I can also bring spring. I am the strongest in the world.

  Wind: That’s nothing. I am the strongest in the world.

  The Sun and the Wind keep arguing until a stranger walks by.

  Wind: I have an idea, Mrs. Sun. Do you see that man?

  Sun: The one wearing the blue coat?

  Wind: Yes. Let’s make a bet.

  Sun: What kind of a bet?

  Wind: Make him take off his coat. If you win, you are the strongest. If I win, I am the strongest.

  Sun: That sounds interesting. If I win, stop blowing so hard.

  Wind: I promise.

  Sun: You go first.

  Wind: Are you sure?

  Sun: Of course.

  Wind: Okay then. I will go first.

  The Wind blows as hard as he can. But the harder the Wind blew, the more the man wrapped the coat around him.

  Wind: What’s the matter? Why isn’t the coat coming off?

  Stranger: The wind is strong today. I am cold. Brrr..

  Wind: I’ll try harder.

  Stranger: Achoo! It is getting colder. I better hold on to my coat.

  Wind: Blow away coat! Blow away!

  Sun: It’s no use.

  Wind: I’ll try one last time.

  Sun: This is your last chance.

  Wind: Okay. I will blow harder.

  The Wind blows as hard as he can, but the stranger’s coat doesn’t blow away.

  Sun: You are very strong, Mr. Wind. But sometimes strength is no use. It’s my turn now. I’ll try.

  Wind: Go ahead. It won’t be easy.

  The Wind is a little worried.

  Wind: (murmur) What if she wins? No, that can’t be.

  The Sun shines gently on the Stranger.

  Stranger: What happened to the wind? The sun is out now. It is getting warm. Gee, what a strange day!

  The Stranger looks up at the Sun and fans himself.

  Stranger: It’s getting warmer. I can’t stand it!

  The Stranger starts loosening his coat button.

  Wind: I don’t understand. You didn’t do anything.

  Sun: Strength is not everything. Just watch.

  The Stranger loosens all of his coat buttons. The Sun keeps shinning on him.

  Stranger: I am still hot. It’s like spring. I must take off my coat.

  Wind: He is taking off his coat! I don’t believe it. You didn’t do anything.

  Sun: Yes, I did. I gave him sunshine. I made him warm. I said strength is not everything.

  Wind: You were right. Strength is not everything. You win. You are the strongest in the world.

  Sun: Thank you. I can’t blow away trees. But I can make people warm and happy. So they all love me.

  Wind: From now on, I will blow gently.

  Sun: And I will shine gently. Spring will come soon.

  The Sun shone and the Wind blew gently. Spring was around the corner.


  Strength isn’t everything.

人教版小学一年级语文阅读练习题_一年级语文_语文_小学教育_教育专区。小学一年级语文阅读试题 1、大自然的邮票 春天的树上,长出嫩嫩的芽瓣。夏天的树上,挂满肥肥的叶片。秋天的树 上,树叶涂满鲜红和金黄。冬天的树下,树叶落地化成土壤。落叶是大自然的 邮票,把一年四季寄给你  小学一年级语文阅读试题[db:cate]
本册共有课文32篇,其中精读课文17篇,略读课文15篇;教材后面还附有8篇选读课文,总共40篇。这些课文从精读、略读到选读,按三个层次编排,体现由扶到放的设计思路。  教材设计了八个专题,依次是:走遍千山万水、以诚待人、大自然的启示、战争与和平、热爱生命、田园生活、执著的追求、故事长廊。其中第三[db:cate]
由内容质量、互动评论、分享传播等多维度分值决定,勋章级别越高(  多义成语一直都是部分考卷的高考重点,也是难点,因为小伙伴们通常只知道该类成语最常见义,故而导致对该类成语使用的误解。  今天lulu为大家整理了最常考的多义成语,大家快拿出笔记下自己不熟练的成语吧!  灯红酒绿:形容寻欢作乐的腐化[db:cate]
由内容质量、互动评论、分享传播等多维度分值决定,勋章级别越高(  你知道吗?很多平时我们耳熟能详的成语,原来都是来自于一首首朗朗上口的古诗词。学一个成语,记一首古诗词,可能是双倍的收获哦!让孩子收藏学习!  1 春风得意:意思是和暖的春风很适合人的心意,后形容人处境顺利,做事如意,事业有成。[db:cate]
由内容质量、互动评论、分享传播等多维度分值决定,勋章级别越高(  原标题:成语展示其形象,生活又体现其力量,这才真实的“熊样”!  在我们常用的成语之中,大家见到的关于熊的成语有很多,像虎背熊腰、熊心豹胆以及熊罴之士。这些和熊沾边的成语,全都将熊的那种粗壮、威猛以及胆大,给展现的淋漓尽致。  首[db:cate]
可选中1个或多个下面的关键词,搜索相关资料。也可直接点“搜索资料”搜索整个问题。  描写山:重峦叠嶂、崇山峻岭、悬崖峭壁、连绵起伏、峰峦雄伟、危峰兀立等。  描写水:滔滔不绝、一泻千里、波澜壮阔、惊涛骇浪、浊浪排空、波峰浪谷等。  描写景色:春意盎然 、光芒万丈 、依山傍水、 春色宜人 、含苞欲[db:cate]
公元417年,归隐12年的陶渊明在醉后写作了二十首以《饮酒》为题的诗,这首诗,是其中的第五首。也是二十首《饮酒》诗中最著名的一首。写出了诗人归隐田园后悠闲自得的心境和陶醉于大自然中的生活情趣。  这是一首五言古体诗,也是陶渊明最擅长的诗歌写作形式。虽然古体诗格律自由,不拘对仗、平仄,押韵也不像近[db:cate]
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