

中考资讯 |









  ( )1. ________ month of the year is May.

  A. Two B. The second

  C. Five D. The fifth

  ( )2. –Jack, I want to go to ________ to see a dentist. Could you tell me the address?

  --No problem.

  A. Room 606 B. No. 2 Hospital

  C. Fifth Avenue

  ( )3. It’s never too old to learn. Karl Marx began to learn English in his _____.

  A. the fiftieth B. fiftieth

  C. fifty D. fifties

  ( )4. On June 2nd this year, ______ people celebrated the Dragon Boat Festival near the Songhua River. To our joy, there was little rubbish left.

  A. thousands of B. thousand

  C. two thousands D. thousand of

  ( )5. Christmas Day is on _____ of December.

  A. twenty-five B. the twenty-five

  C. twenty-fifth D. the twenty-fifth

  ( )6. Alice felt happy to receive some gifts on _______ birthday.

  A. twelve B. twelfth

  C. the twelfth D. next

  ( )7. Please turn to Page _______ and read the ________ story.

  A. Ten, two B. Ten, second

  C. Tenth, second D. Tenth, two

  ( )8. –How long is the bridge? --It’s ________.

  A. 300-meter-long

  B. 300-meters-long

  C. 300 meters long

  D. 300 meter long

  ( )9. –Where is Class ______? --It’s on the _______ floor.

  A. Six, third B. Sixth, third

  C. Six, three D. Sixth, three

  ( )10. Doris lives on the _______ floor. It’s too high, so she has to take a lift every day.

  A. four B. fourth

  C. forty D. fortieth

  ( )11. –What should we do now, Mr. Clark?

  --Please turn to Page ________ and look at the _______ picture.

  A. Twelve, fifth B. Twelfth, fifth

  C. Twelve, five D. Twelfth, five

  ( )12. Mother’s Day is on the ______ Sunday in May every year.

  A. two B. second

  C. six D. sixth

  ( )13. --_______ of volunteers will be needed for 2014 International Horticulture Exposition in Qingdao. --Let’s go and ________ them.

  A. Thousands, join

  B. Thousand, be a member of

  C. Three thousand, take part in

  D. Thousands, be in

  ( )14. It is the boy’s ________ birthday today. He is five years old now.

  A. fifteen B. fifth

  C. five D. the fifth

  ( )15. They are the students of _______.

  A. grade 7 B. Grade 7

  C. 7th grade D. Grade 7th

  ( )16. –How was your weekend?

  --Great! It was my grandfather’s _______ birthday. We enjoyed ourselves.

  A. seventy B. seventieth

  C. the seventieth D. seventeenth

  ( )17. It is said that ________ young people may lose their abilities to hear after five years if they listen to MP4 players which are too loud for more than five hours a week.

  A. thousand of

  B. six thousands

  C. thousands of

  ( )18. It is reported that people throw _______ plastic bags along this street every day.

  A. hundred B. hundreds

  C. hundred of D. hundreds of

  ( )19. Some scientists think it will take ____ of years to make robots do most work for humans.

  A. hundreds B. hundred C. thousand

  ( )20. Did you know that the Earth is home to _______ animals?

  A. million B. millions

  C. million of D. millions of

  ( )21. The teacher said that _______ of the boys would take part in the talent show.

  A. three five B. three fives

  C. thirds fifths D. three fifths

  ( )22. After the Asian Games, _______ people came to Guangzhou for a visit during holidays.

  A. thousand B. thousands of

  C. five thousands D. five thousand of

  ( )23. Nowadays ______ of business letters are written in English.

  A. two third B. two thirds

  C. two three D. second three

  ( )24. Tom will sell _______ stamps to help the poor children in the west of China.

  A. thousand of B. two thousand of C. two thousand

  ( )25. This is Mr. White’s _______ visit to Beijing. He has been there twice before.

  A. two B. second

  C. three D. third

中考英语阅读理解的答题是有一定的技巧的,下面初三网小编就大家整理一下中英语阅读理解技巧及顺口溜有哪些 ,仅供参考。  习惯了句式结构简单的中文的我们一见到英文长句子,难免感到不适应,这是很正常的事情。很多人读到句子一半时就被复杂的从句搞晕了,还有的人等读到句子后面的内容时,前面的句子已经忘得差不[db:cate]
【导语】政治,它指对社会治理的行为,亦指维护统治的行为。政治是各种团体进行集体决策的一个过程,尤指对于某一政治实体的统治,例如统治一个国家,亦指对于   【导语】初中的政治课又叫做“思想品德”课,无忧考网准备了以下教案,希望对你有帮助! 模板 尊敬的各位评委老师大家上午好!我是9号考生 我来[db:cate]
在这高三复习的紧要关口, 请善待这份希望与寄托, 当疲惫袭 扰、徘徊犹豫、停滞不前时,及时把我们的高三冲刺寄语拿出来看一看、读一读,从中汲取 精神营养和动力, 激励自己自信、 自立、 自律、 自强, 奋战高考、 勇创佳绩、 无怨无悔! 高 三全体同学: 时间的流逝是那样的悄然无息,我们不知不觉在[db:cate]
由内容质量、互动评论、分享传播等多维度分值决定,勋章级别越高(  1 一元二次方程的一般形式: a≠0时,ax2+bx+c=0叫一元二次方程的一般形式,九年级化学上册知识点研究一元二次方程的有关问题时,多数习题要先化为一般形式,目的是确定一般形式中的a、 b、 c; 其中a 、 b,、九年级化[db:cate]
初中化学九年级上册第2单元课题3知识点2氧气的实验室制法教学讲课视频  高中数学必修二龙燕第3节 空间中直线与平面 平面与平面的位置关系教学视频  高中数学必修二龙燕 第二章点、直线、九年级化学上册知识点平面之间的位置关系第2节 空间直线的位置关系教学视频  高中数学必修二龙燕 第二章点、直线、[db:cate]
本篇是一个寓言故事,说的是一只牧羊犬,简短的寓言故事因为天冷,就睡在牧羊人给羊吃的干草上。结果,羊吃不着草,感到非常生气,他们认为狗太自私,自己又不能吃草,还不让能吃草的吃。  2 A。上文说天在下着大雪,所以地上应该被覆盖着“厚厚的”雪。  3 C。可能有同学会选go to the hil[db:cate]
】下面是无忧考网为您整理的初一数学上册期末试卷及答案新人教版,仅供大家参考。  1、在-11,1 2,-2,0,-(-2)中,负数的个数有()  7、若关于x的方程2x+a-4=0的解是x=-2,则a的值等于()  10、点C在线段AB上,下列条件中不能确定点C是线段AB中点的是()  11、比[db:cate]
①关于天才,大小词典有相仿的释义:有卓绝聪明才智的人。不知从何时开始,我渐渐质疑甚至厌烦起这种说法来。  ②古今中外无数事例几乎都与词典上的释义相左:李时珍写《本草纲目》用了30年时间;托尔斯泰写《战争与和平》用了37年时间;歌德写《浮士德》用了60年时间;诺贝尔研制无烟,屡败屡试,语文练习煎熬[db:cate]
由内容质量、互动评论、分享传播等多维度分值决定,小中考成绩查询勋章级别越高(  1 文化科投档总分=语文卷面成绩+数学卷面成绩+英语卷面成绩+物理、化学、思想品德、历史等四学科奖励分  2 奖励分换算办法:物理奖励分=物理卷面成绩×0 9,化学奖励分=化学卷面成绩×0 6,思想品德奖励分=思想品[db:cate]
葚 敛 髓 鼎 盔 宰 筹 瘁 剽悍 窥伺怏怏 噬 羸 罄 冗 戛 惬 踝 谬 膺 遒妒忌 谰 镐 秽 契 彷徨 皙 钦 捋 羁 悚 篙 蒿  (6)可歌可泣:值得歌颂,使人感动得流泪,指悲壮的事迹,使人非常感动。  (41)斑斑驳驳:原指一种颜色中杂有别的颜色,这里有颜色深浅不一的意思。  ([db:cate]
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