

小升初资讯 |







  1. If only he ____quietly as the doctor instructed, he would not suffer so much now.

  A. lies B. lay C. had lain D. should lie

  2. How I wish every family ____a large house with a beautiful garden.

  A. has B. had C. will have D. had had

  3. You did not let me drive. If we ____in turn, you ____ so tired

  A. drove; didn’t get B. drove; wouldn’t get

  C. were driving; wouldn’t get D. had driven ; wouldn’t have got

  4. _____it rain tomorrow, we would have to put off the visit to the Yangpu Bridge

  A. Were B. Should C. Would D. Will

  5. I suggested the person _____ to be put into prison

  A. refers B. referring C. referred D. refer

  6. When a pencil is partly in a glass of water, it looks as if it____

  A. breaks B. has broken C. were broken D. had been broken

  7. I insisted _____to see a doctor, but he insisted nothing ___ wrong with him

  A. on him to go; should be B. he went; be C. he go; was D. he should to; is

  8. ---Your aunt invites you to the movies today

  ---I would rather she ____ me tomorrow than today

  A. tells B. told C. would tell D. had told

  9. ---Would you have called her up ?

  ---Yes, but I ____busy doing my homework

  A. was B. were C. had been D. would be

  10. I was ill that day, otherwise I ____ the sports meet

  A. would have taken part in B. took part in C. had taken part in D. would take part in

  11. ___the clouds, you would find the airplane in the sky easily

  A. Had it not been for B. If it were not C. If it had not been for D. Were it not for

  12. If my lawyer ____here last Sunday, he ____ me from going

  A. had been, would have prevented B. had been, would prevent

  C. were, prevent D. were, would have prevented

  13. ____hard, he would have passed the exam

  A. If he were to work B. Had he worked C. Should he work D. Were he to work

  14. ____today, he would get there by Friday

  A. Were he to leaveB. If he had left C. Did he to leave D. Had he left

  15. Had you listened to the doctor, you ____all right now

  A. are B. were C. would be D. would have been

  16. I did not see your sister at the meeting. If she ____, she would have met my brother

  A. has come B. did come C. come D. had come

  17. He ____busy yesterday, or he ___you with your experiment.

  A. was, had helped B. was, would have helped C. had been, would have helped D. were, would have helped

  18. If it ____for the snow, we____ the mountain yesterday

  A. were not, could have climb B. were not, could climb C. had not been, could have climbed D. hadn’t been, could climb

  19. Without electricity, human life ____quite difficult today

  A. is B. will be C. would have been D. would be

  20. ---I am going to tell her the news

  ---I would as soon as you _____her about it

  A. didn’t tell B. don’t tell C. hadn’t tell D. won’t tell

  21. Mike’s father, as well as his mother, insisted he ____home

  A. stayed B. could stay C. has stayed D. stay

  22. It was requested that the play ____again

  A. should put on B. would put on C. be put on D. put on

  23. She insisted that a doctor _____ immediately

  A. had sent for B. send C. be sent for D. was sent

  24. ---Did you scold him for his carelessness

  ----Yes, but ____it

  A. I’d rather not do B. I’d rather not have done C. I should’ t do D. I’d better not do

  25. If only I ___my car

  A. hadn’t lost B. wouldn’t lose C. didn’t lose D. haven’t lost

  26. But for water, it ____impossible to live in the earth

  A. is B. would be C. were D. wouldn’t be

  27. I would rather you ____anything about it for the time being

  A. do B. didn’t do C. don’t D. didn’t

  28. The kind-hearted couple treat the orphan very well as though he ____ their own son

  A. is B. were C. had been D. should be

  29. How the old people wish that they ____young once more

  A. were B. could become C. had been D. should be

  30. It is high time that we ____ a meeting to discuss this problem

  A. hold B. held C. have held D. had held

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