

圣诞节黑板报 |







  A Christmas story

  Ricky:Staying in Beijing for Christmas James?

  James:Hi Ricky, no I‟m off to London to have Christmas with the family.

  Ricky:Oh that‟s great -.Christmas with the folks will be terrific.

  James:Yeah. It‟s the only time I get to see the whole family together at one time.

  Ricky:Ah, so you have a big feast ahead of you. Do you go to a restaurant?

  James:No way! Ours is a very traditional Christmas at home, complete with a tree and

  Christmas carols. Isn‟t that the way you do it in Australia.

  Ricky:Oh sure. The traditions are much the same …surprisingly.

  James:Why do you say surprisingly? Christmas is the same all round the world isn‟t it?

  Ricky:Well, up to a point. It is the festive season of course, but its really very commercial

  season now.

  James:Yes it‟s funny that we‟ve forgotten the religious aspect of celebrating the birth of

  Jesus Christ.

  Ricky:Well maybe that‟s not such a bad thing – after all not everyone in the world is a

  Christian. But there is one great aspect of Christmas that is universal - and that‟s the giving of gifts to families and friends and even workmates. We might argue and

  become frustrated with one another throughout the year, but Christmas still remains the one time of the year when we show appreciation for each other.

  James:Yeah, you‟re right. So what are you getting me for Christmas?

  Ricky:Oh I thought a bottle of your favourite might hit the spot.

  James:Ah you‟re so thoughtful. Well I‟m not telling you what I‟m getting you „cause I

  haven‟t decided yet.

  Ricky:When I was a kid we used to have proper Christmas tree, with all the lights and

  decorations on it.

  James:Well of course you do.

  Ricky:Not so simple. Pine trees, the traditional Christmas trees are not native to Australia, so

  they‟re not found everywhere. And you are familiar with a “White” Christmas, but it‟s the middle of summer in Australia – so there is no snow around at all. The Christmas tradition is really a Northern hemisphere thing.And all that roast meat – chicken and turkey and ham and the rich desserts. Christmas fruit cake and pudding and

  hot custard.

  James:Yes delicious isn‟t it. I love all that stuff.

  Ricky:Me too. But at that time of the year we generally eat salads. Roast dinners are a bit tough

  in the blazing heat. We all generally eat too much rich food and drink too much wine and beer and then just spend the afternoon sleeping it off.

  James:How strange not to have snow. That must make the idea of Santa Claus, with his

  sleigh pulled by reindeer seem very odd.

  Ricky:Well I think anyone would find the idea of a fat man in a red suit who climbs down your

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  chimney and leaves everyone gifts a bit odd, don‟t you? Anyway I hope Santa brings you just what you want this year.

看图猜词, 暑假生活暑假学习计划, 看图猜成语, CC游戏视频制作  圣诞节圣诞找不同,圣诞老人的礼物,熊出没,芭比公主芭比娃娃,冰雪奇缘礼物之动画乐园  光头强运熊二, 熊出没之探险日记, 光头强的小火车, 圣诞惊喜, 汪汪队立大功, CC游戏视频  可爱宝贝冰雪公主, 冰雪姐妹冰雪皇后芭比宝[db:cate]
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一年一度的“双十一”又要到了,大部分人都沉浸在购物的狂欢中,还有谁记得,这是光棍们的节日?有时候想想,真的为我们广大单身人士感到心疼,一年365天,我们过不了情人节、七夕节、圣诞节,就连专门给我们的节日,还要被拿来当购物狂欢节,没有人再来关注我们广大单身群体!还能不能让我们好好活着?  不管现实[db:cate]
【导语】以下是本站整理的《经典圣诞英文歌曲:圣诞老人来啦!》,一起来看看吧!  Santa Claus Is Coming To Town  You better watch out  You better not cry  You better not pout  Im telling you[db:cate]
您可通过新浪首页(顶部 “我的收藏”, 查看所有收藏过的文章。大熊的拥抱节  新浪娱乐讯 当地时间2018年12月15日,美国,海蒂·克鲁姆(Heidi Klum)和孩子现身街头。海蒂·克鲁姆身穿一身休闲装大气时尚,和女儿置办圣诞节所需要的物品,两人镜头前拥抱大秀母女情。(视觉中国 图)  新浪[db:cate]